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Marketing and Brand Strategy for "Bikurofe Live" Telemedicine App

When was the last time you met or consulted with a specialist (physician) on your own sofa at home, in your office or elsewhere?


We worked with Bikurofe to create the marketing and brand strategy and later the UI / UX of this new app, delivering the best Telemedicine app in Israel - "BIKUROFE LIVE".

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Just give us a sign and we'll be there to set a discussion about marketing without any commitment on your part. Contact us

So… as from my personal experience I can assure you that this app is efficient, professional and most comfortable solution for you. You can see a specialist through your mobile or laptop on your sofa at home, in the office or abroad. 

The Bikurofe Live application is available now. You will find in Bikurofe Live emergency primary care physicians during the night and top of the line specialists from Sheba, Rambam, Ichilov, Beilinson and other hospitals by future appointment or immediate availability - all on your sofa.

So go for it!!!!

Share this post to your friends and don’t forget to download the app.

You can find the app in one of the online stores or just enter the website we created for Bikurofe Live:

Feel free to contact me at if your company wants to hear about a marketing and brand strategy process 

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